Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to check out a ukulele kit?
You need to be 16 years old or older, with a valid St. Mary’s County Library card in good standing (no fines over $24.99).
Where do I check out and return a ukulele kit?
All three library branches have a number of kits available for checkout. You must check out and return the kit to the same branch. Please do not return ukulele kits in the bookdrop.
The checkout period is 21 days, with no renewals.
Can I place a hold?
Yes! Please note that ukulele kits must be picked up and returned at the owning branch. See availability and place a hold in the catalog.
Are there overdue fines?
Overdue fines accrue at $1 per day, to a maximum of $20. After 21 days, the kit is considered lost and your account will be charged the cost of the kit ($150).
How much does it cost to replace the ukulele kit if lost or damaged?
The charge for the entire kit is $150.
Individual lost/damaged items are priced as follows:
Ukulele: $59.99
Case: $39.99
Clip-on Tuner: $29.99
Book – Ukulele Method Book 1: $10.99
DVD – Beginning Ukulele: $14.99
DVD Case: $5
Luggage Tag: $1.50
Zipper Document Pouch: $1.60
There is no charge for lost or damaged strings.