Student Library Cards
St. Mary’s County Library and St. Mary’s County Public Schools are pleased to partner to offer the SMART (St. Mary’s Access to Research & Technology) card to all SMCPS students. The SMART card gives all SMCPS students access to many of the online and print resources that St. Mary’s County Library has to offer.
To Use Your SMART Card:
Library card number/username: smcps + school network username (2-3 initials and last 4 digits of ID#)
Example: smcpsabc1234
Password: Student’s birth month and date (eg. if the student’s birthday is September 1, the password is 0901)

More Information
- With your SMART card, you can access many of the online resources offered by St. Mary’s County Library! Check out our Homework Help page for many homework-related resources you can use with your SMART card!
- Check out up to 5 physical items (books, books on CD or playaways, multimedia kits)
- No fines or fees for late or lost physical items
- Lost physical items will count against the borrow limit (if you lose 1 book, your new limit would be 4)
Opt Out of the SMART Card
All students in St. Mary’s County Public Schools will be given access to a SMART card. This library card provides SMCPS student’s access to many of the online resources offered through the St. Mary’ County Library, as well as fine free access to up to 5 physical books and/or audiobooks. If you do not want your child to have access to the SMART card issued in partnership with the St. Mary’s County Library and SMCPS, please complete the online OPT OUT form.