Get an Honorary MLS Certificate!
We’re offering an opportunity for aspiring librarians to learn more about what we do and earn an honorary MLS (Mini Library Science) certificate! The Mini Library Science certificate is available by appointment only at Leonardtown Library.
The appointment will be approximately one half hour. During that half hour the MLS candidate will:
- Get an in depth tour of the Library, including trips to staff-only sections of the building like the book drop, and meet-and-greets with Library staff and managers/administrators.
- Question and answer session with their designated librarian.
- An intimate, personalized, one-on-one storytime, if age appropriate.
- Brief tutorials in reference, database use, shelf reading, or other Library tasks/duties, if age appropriate.
- Time behind the desk, “shadowing” Library staff.
- An Honorary MLS certificate to take home and treasure for always.
To schedule an appointment for an individual or group, please contact Tess Goldwasser at